Winter is back… and this is how it started.
This year I had a feeling that autumn will never leave us. Temperatures were quite high and most of the days were sunny. Nothing to complain about. We did our best to enjoy it as much as possible due to short daytime and working hours which doesn’t allow you to do what you want when you want.
My wish of catching both autumn and winter on the same day in the mountains came true. Larches were still showing their beautiful colors while snow covered the mountains around Triglav lakes. The scene was really amazing and worth every fight on the way there.
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So here it is. My favorite time of the year. When everything is covered with snow and I try to escape to the mountains as much as possible. This became now even more often as we moved closer to them. We are having this lovely place just behind our home.
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But this time of the year brings also some bad things. One of them is salt on the roads which affects Mona’s paws. No matter how high on the mountains we are, in the end, we still need to get to our car following some asphalt roads. Not to mention everyday walks around the neighborhood.
And this year we were lucky to meet people who care about dogs and their paws and are thinking ahead. We met Aleksandra and her product Yanika who are part of by far best project in Slovenia – Štartaj Slovenija (Start Slovenija). Yanika is 3 in 1 product made from natural ingredients – it cleans, nurture and protects paws and skin. It really saved our lives since I can make Mona’s paws clean without putting her under the shower everytime we get home (need to mention, that she really hates water). And not only that the paws are clean and protected, but they also smell nice. And no, the smell doesn’t bother Mona, I think she really likes it.
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Še nekaj besed o Yaniki
Obožujem zimo. Barve, ki pridejo do izraza. Mraz, ki gre včasih do kosti. Vonj po snegu. In tista topla zavetja, ki jih še toliko bolj cenimo. Kar mi pozimi ni všeč pa so vsekakor slane ceste in pločniki. Hočeš nočeš smo del tega zla. Če se le da, se cestam izogibam, saj sol škoduje blazinicam na Moninih tačkah. Vedno pa to ne gre, zato se je princeska čisto prevečkrat po sprehodu znašla pod tušem, kar ji nikakor ni bilo všeč.
In tu je rešitev za vse nas… Yanika. Aleksandra se je spopadla s podobnim izzivom, ki ga je rešila s čisto naravnimi sestavinami, jih zmešala in dodala v pršilo, ki je enostavno za uporabo. Po sprehodu našpricaš tačke, po potrebi zbrišeš z brisačko in pes lahko že veselo skače po stanovanju.
Yanika pa ne samo da pomaga očistit tačke in dlako, deluje tudi negovalno, zaščiti blazinice ter nevtralizira vonj. Ker ima pršilo antiseptični učinek, je učinkovito tudi pri dezinfekciji in osveževanju, zato lahko z njim dezinficiramo ležišče in igrače. Izdelek je veganskega izvora, izdelan iz kokosovega olja, negovalne aloe vere in eteričnega olja sivke.
Vsekakor podpiram projekt, ki je del 3. sezone Štartaj Slovenija. Več o izdelku lahko prebereš tukaj.
Zapis je nastal v sodelovanju s Spar Slovenija.